Ever since Google takeover the "blogspot" throne, folks at Google came up with a creative and ingenious idea - create Google blogs to interact with users.
Currently, Google has created more than 50 blogs to show insights from Googlers into their products, technology and of course their own Google culture. With Google blogs, Google can attract more fans and readers but most importantly is to improve their Google image.
Here's a list of some common Google blogs which you guys should visit them when you are free -
1. Offical Google Blog - the official Google blog has more than 450,000 readers
2. Adwords Agency Blog - the latest from Adwords for you and your clients
3. Android Developers Blog - an open headset alliance project by Google
4. Blogger Blog - the official buzz from Blogger
5. Book Search Blog - if you are interested about books, you can try this
6. Checkout Blog - news for sellers using Google Checkout
7. Custom Search Blog - latest news and updates from the custom search team
8. Desktop Blog - the official source for information about Google Desktop
9. Docs Blog - news and notes from the Google Docs team
10. Feedburner Blog - some "burning questions" you would like to know
11. Finance Blog - news and views form the Google Finance team
12. Gmail Blog - news and tips from Google's Gmail team and friends
13. Analytics Blog - latest news and resource straight from the team of Analytics
14. Google Mac Blog - Mac inside Google
15. Adsense Blog - a look inside Google Adsense
16. Maps and Earth Blog - news and notes by the Google Earth and Maps team
17. News Blog - official blog from the team at Google News
18. Orkut Blog - your official guide to staying beautiful on Orkut
19. Picasa Blog - Google Photos Blog
20. Reader Blog - news, tips and tricks from the Google Reader team
21. Apps Blog - official update feed from the Google Apps Team
22. Talk Blog - a blog about voice, IM and open communications with Google Talk
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