Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Of The Best 10 Google Search Tips

Google is one of the website that most people visits while surfing the internet. While on the search box, you may already know some of the basic tricks. However, many of us don't know the oblique and clever tips that the Google search could do which would provide us convenience and also saves our time. In this article, I will list down 10 Best Google Search Tips which I used frequently. Be it using the search for dictionary, finding time, weather and currency converter, using the search engine would significantly makes my life easier. Here are the 10 Google Search Tips: 1. Google can be your dictionary Type define followed by any English word into the search box, and Google will give you a quick definition at the top of the search results. For example, click to enlarge 2. Use Google Advanced Search. Google Advanced Search offers numerous options for making your searches more precise and getting more useful results. With Advanced Search, you can search only for pages:
  • that contain ALL the search terms you type in
  • that contain the exact phrase you type in
  • that contain at least one of the words you type in
  • that do NOT contain any of the words you type in
  • written in a certain language
  • created in a certain file format
  • that have been updated within a certain period of time
  • that contain numbers within a certain range
  • within a certain domain, or website
  • that don't contain "adult" material
3. Capitalization doesn’t matter. Google searches are NOT case sensitive. Save yourself time and typos: don’t brother with the SHIFT key. All letters, regardless of how you type them, will be understood as lower case. For example, searches for george washington, George Washington, and gEoRgE wAsHiNgToN will all return the same results. 4. Find the time of any location. Many of us might be probably working for clients which are based at different parts of the world. Therefore, communication has to be carried out frequently in such cases. However, it is important to know the opposite partner's time zone, so that you would not call him in the middle of the night while he is sleeping!

Many people install time zone software for showing the time of the location they would be calling to. But with Google at your hands you don’t have to install any software. It would be just simple to use a query for finding the current time such as,

click to enlarge 5. Google can be your weatherman. Type weather followed by a zip code or the name of a city, and Google will give the current conditions and a four-day forecast at the top of the results page. click to enlarge 6. Convert currency, metrics, bytes, and more Google's powerful built-in converter calculator helps you whether you are cooking, while you are in the need to convert currencies and many more. With the converter calculator, it can convert from one currency to another, from metre to foot, from gigabyte to byte, from gallons to litres etc. For example, type in click to enlarge 7. Get an instant stock quote. Type a stock ticker symbol into the search box to get a stock quote and chart on any public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. American Stock Exchange or NASDAQ. 8. Forget pluralism. Google automatically searches for all the stems of a word, so you don’t need to do separate searches for dance, dances, and dancing. Just type one of the words and Google will take care of the rest, giving you results all in one list. 9. Tracking Flight Status Google is able to track flight status of any plane or airline by entering the airline and the flight number. You would also be able to get the estimated arrival and departure timing too. click to enlarge 10. I’m Feeling Lucky. To bypass a long list of results and click on the top-matching Web page for your term, simply enter a search term and click the "I'm Felling Lucky" button on the Google homepage to go directly to the first web page in the results.


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