Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meet the Oldest Facebook Member At Age 102

Nowadays, you could hardly find any Facebook members age above 80, not to say 100. However recently, a 102-year-old woman registered an account with Facebook and attract great attention from people worldwide. The person is Ivy Bean who is a 102 years old grandmother from West Yorks, UK, believed to be the oldest Facebook member out of a hundred million users worldwide. Formerly a mill worker, she said that she registered an account with Facebook after hearing caregivers talking about a 97-year-old Facebook member in France. She uses the social-networking site to keep track and contact with friends and relatives. She posts videos and photos in Facebook, including the gold medal she won in Bradford's "Over-75 Olympics". Currently, she has over 5,000 friends and 8,000 fans. Ivy has a loving daughter, two grandsons and three great-grandchildren who vist her regularly.


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