Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10 Ways To Drive Massive Traffic To Your Site

Traffic is commonly known as the 'life-blood' of a blog. Without it, no matter how well you write, no one will be able to find and read it. Below are 10 tips of how to attract an enormous amount of traffic to your site. 1. Submit your Articles to Social Bookmarking Sites Social bookmarking sites such as StumbleUpon, Digg, Yahoo Buzz, Mixx, Reddit, etc. are capable of driving tons of traffic especially if your articles appear in the front page or popular page. To appear in the front page or popular page, you will have to use catchy titles and descriptions so that it looks eye-catching to readers and most probably they will check your article out. Try not to submit articles which has old news as most social bookmarking sites do promote up-to-date information. 2. Submit your Blog to Search Engines & Blog Directories By adding your URL to search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN, they will index your site so that your link will appear in search results. Let me tell you a secret - search engines love blogs! By indexing your blog to popular search engines, you are able to gain traffic when Internet users start clicking on your pages. When your blog link is click by many of them, your page-rank will definitely increased. With an increased page-rank, more and more potential readers will tend to click on your link if they find it useful to them. To get more traffic, try using blog directories such as BlogCatalog, MyBlogLog,Blogarama. To find out more blog directories, you can visit this article which tells you '20 Essential Blog Directories to Submit Your Blog to'. 3. Writing Good Content Content is King. When you write great content, readers will be amazed by it and they will most probably either come back to your site again or subscribe to your RSS feeds. 4. Participate in Forums Participating in forums such as DigitalPoint, BloggerForum and Yahoo Answers can boost your traffic but you'll have to include a signature at the end of the thread. To make your signature eye-catching, try to use larger fonts, contrasting colors and catchy titles. 5. Writing Articles & Submitting them to Article Directories I know this is difficult but what you get in the end is another huge amount of traffic. Why? When people search the Internet, they are primarily looking for information. By writing articles to provide at least some information people seek, you not only get traffic, but quality traffic. I'm currently using EzineArticles.com as my article directory but there are quite a few popular ones in the net such as DirectoryofEzines.com, Published.com andEzineDirectory.com. Important tip: When you write an article, don't forget to include your website URL either at the top or at the bottom of the page. Information like who are you, what is your expertise are also required to allow targeted readers to go to your blog. 6. Buying Traffic Buying traffic is paid and advertised traffic. This is also known as search engine marketing or pay-per-click marketing (PPC). Some of the popular ones offering pay-per-click advertising include Google Adwords, Bidvertiser, etc. It is the fastest way of generating traffic. 7. Exchanging Links with your Friends This method can benefit both parties but don't forget to exchange links which has the same amount of traffic or page-rank with you or else you will lose out! 8. Leaving your Blog URL in Chat Boxes I know some people doesn't like this as it may decrease your blogging image or brand but it can be effective in increasing the number of visitors. To search for blogs which has chat boxes such as Cbox and Oggix embedded in them, try this Google search trick. 9. Commenting on High-Profile Sites Leave a comment on high-traffic blogs such as TechCrunch, Labnol and HongKiat can give you maximum exposure to your blog. However, don't post comments which are unrelated to the content or else, you might be banned from commenting on that site. 10. Using Entrecard For those who doesn't know what Entrecard is, it is a site which enables bloggers to attract free traffic by dropping 'cards' on others. If you are ranked the top 10 in Entrecard according to popularity, you can get about 400-500 unique visitors a day. The downside of using this free service is that the visitors you get aren't quality traffic. Basically, it means that most people drop 'cards' and leave the blog immediately, and not spending time reading your articles.


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