Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Simple Ways To Promote Your Conternt

How to get more visitors? The content below are simple tips to help you promote your contents. Maybe you have used some of them, and also there should be some tips you have ignored. In this post, you can know a lot of promoting ways. Before you read below, you should know that web promoting is a long-time process, you should have target and plan, and also should be ready for doing this. 1. Add title for every webpage Add a 5-8 words title for every webpage. The title should be simple and short, and make sure it can represent the most important content. Title will be displayed as a link in search engine results, so you need to attract the visitors via writing a attractive title. Also, you need to add your website name in title and a few important keywords. All webpages should have different title. 2. Add description via META tag Beside title, search engines are interested in META tag too. This is a description to describe the contents. And also you can add some keywords into META tag. But now META tag seems not really useful, but SEOers often do this. 3. Add your keywords in bold font Search engines attach importance to bold font text, because text in bold means important content. So make sure add a few keywords in bold font, and try not to use image as title. Remember, add a few<> tags will be helpful, but add a lot of them will be dangerous. 4. Make sure your keywords in the first paragraph Search engines hope that they can find a few keywords in first paragraph. Google loves the webpage which is in every 100 words there are 1.5-2 keywords. Other place you can put your keywords in to ALT or COMMENT properties. 5. Navigator must be clear enough Some webmasters like to use frame or iframe in webpages, that is a serious problem for search engine. Although search engine can find your content page, they may cannot find your navigator to find more. If you use Javascript or even Flash in navigator design, though the navigator will be very beautiful and wonderful, the search engine cannot deal with these types of navigators. You can add another navigator in links at footer of webpages. Also, some spiders do not like dynamic pages with arguments, so you need to try to avoid link to URL with "?", and you can use urlrewrite instead. 6. Create special pages for a few important keywords SEOers do not recommend to use bridge pages to cheat search engines, these pages will let the whole website be in danger. But you can create some special pages include different keywords or key phrases. For example, you do not need to introduce all your services or products in one page, you can use many pages to do this, so that every page can have its independent keyword. 7. Submit your website to search engines It seems not very useful at present, but if your website is really good and search engines have not capture your website, you should submit by yourself. Remember, do not use any software to submit your website automatically, that is unhelpful and dangerous. 8. Adjust your main content to get better rank You can change the most important pages or default page and let them get better rank. Some software can help you to check your rank, and compare your rank with other websites in keywords. 9. Submit your website to main directories Make sure your website is in Open Directory, this directory provides contents to main search engines. It is very important for Google. 10. Be professional Make sure your website has a focus, like Education or Finance, because professional website can have a lot of fixed visitors and target customers. You can submit your website to professional Yellow-Page system, that is useful sometimes. 11. Request the links exchange You can ask some similar websites for exchanging links. The best choice should not be the big traffic websites because the webmasters will ignore you, you can consider about smaller websites. Friend-link should be an independent page. Remember, notice the quality of target website. 12. Write articles with your website address You can write some free articles and publish them to professional news websites, you can use short description about your website to promote it. You can get a lot of links if you can successfully do that. 13. Print your website address on Name Cards, Printings, Books, etc That's a traditional way but it is really useful sometimes, make sure your domain is easy to remember. 14. Promote via traditional media advertisements Traditional media should not be given up. Both newspapers and magazines are really helpful for you if you can show your website address on them. Please put your website as add-ons, to remind the reader to find more at your website. Professional magazines are even better, because the target readers are fixed. 15. Provide free services Everyone love free services. Free services can help you to attract more people to visit your website. Create free services need a lot of time or money, but they are really helpful to promote your website. For example, provide free mail services, free information publish, or any other things you want. Something special or interesting will be even better. 16. Publish some news Find some valuable event about your website, like interviews about you. You can publish them on your website. Or even create some news about your website and publish them to news media. 17. Add a footer in all your e-mails Most of the E-Mail systems support to add signatures, they will add as footer of all the mails you have sent. Add signatures about your website can help the recipient to find you. 18. Create mail list and send mails to your users like news or promotions That is the best way to let your users know more about your website. You can ask your users to submit their E-Mail addresses for you to send these mail, you can use mail list to make it easier. But remember, do not send any SPAMs! 19. Organize A Contest Why not hold contest? It can attract a lot of visitors and try to let the prizes be amazing. The prizes can be promotions or your products, that is really useful to get more visitors. 20. Ask your visitors to add your website in bookmark You can add a bookmark icon on your default page, it will be easier for visitors to add your website, but you should never force to do this. 21. Exchange advertisements Just like exchange links, but you should exchange the banners, size can be much larger than links. 22. Paid for advertisements of search engine If you need, you can pay for advertisements, the best choice for ads is search engine, because search engines sell attentions from visitors. You can use CPM or CPC for your ads. 23. Paid Placement Another PPC mode from search engines, nearly all search engines have this service except for google, you can pay for a better place or rank. 24. Submit your website to 'compare and purchase' websites It is a easy way to promote your products, but if your websites do not sell anything, you can ignore this tip. That's all. 24 simple tips, if you can do all of them, you are doing a successful social-network marketer!


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