Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Gizmo That Lets 5 People LIsten To A Song At A Time

With this star-shaped gizmo known as the Rockstar from Belkin, teenagers will now have a new way to share and mix their music with friends. The Belkin RockStar is a unique hub that connects a combination of MP3 players and headphones. By attaching your headphones, you can hear your friend’s play list. The Belkin Rockstar allows up to five people listen to one player at a time, plus another hard-wired input connection for your MP3 player. This gizmo cost at a price of US$20. With this new gizmo, students can sit around a lunch table, plug their headphones into RockStar, and then together listen to the songs playing from one MP3 player. It allows interaction within them and therefore enhance friendship bonds. That's was the main reason why the Belkin Rockstar was created!


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